5th International Conference – Scottsdale 2019
How to make them maximally effective
While there are many “Technique” classes for regenerative therapies (to learn the hands-on use of the therapy) there are few that truly look at “how” to make these therapies work to their maximum benefit for patients. So regardless of the reason for the therapy (orthopedic, cosmetic, regenerative etc.) the underlying need to create the environment of a “receptive patient” maximizes the result and outcome. Since you already know (or can learn) the technique portions of regenerative therapies easily at specialty seminars, Dr. Anderson and AAMP (after being asked by numerous practitioners) have devised this encompassing CME to look at all the factors you can control to optimize regenerative therapy outcomes. Expert, experienced faculty will focus on enhancing patients receiving Stem Cell, PRP, Prolozone, Aesthetic, Prolotherapy, Trigger Point and many others:
- Immune function optimization to promote regeneration – Including common stealth infections and biofilm influences on poor healing
- Hormonal influences on regeneration and healing – Assessing and using bio-identical hormones to support healing
- Laboratory assessment of patients to locate deficits and how to correct them
- Nutritional, Genomic and Dietary influences including the use of specific diets, time restricted eating, nutritional supplements and more
- Use of adjunctive therapies to enhance outcomes such as Heat, Hyperbaric, Light / LASER therapies and others
- When to include IV or Injection therapies to enhance outcomes (and what to use)
The Value Proposition
3 Days Recording of lectures & Panel Discussions
All the Speaker Presentations
Clinical Take Home Notes
Conference Program & Proceedings
Follow up Conference Webinar Recordings
Five Expert Speakers

Dr. Paul Anderson, N.M.D.
Dr. Anderson is a recognized educator and clinician in integrative and naturopathic medicine with a focus on complex infectious, chronic, and oncologic illness. In addition to three decades clinical experience he also was head of the interventional arm of a US-NIH funded human research trial using IV and integrative therapies in cancer patients.
He founded Advanced Medical Therapies in Seattle, Washington, a clinic focusing on the care of patients with cancer and chronic diseases and now focuses on clinical collaborations with clinics and hospitals in the US and other countries.
He is co-author of the Hay House book “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies” with Dr. Mark Stengler as well as a co-author with Jack Canfield in the anthology “Success Breakthroughs” and the upcoming Lioncrest Publishing book “Cancer… The Journey From Diagnosis to Empowerment.”.
He is a frequent CME speaker and writer and has extended his educational outreach creating Advanced Applications in Medical Practice (AAMP) CME events in collaboration with FMI Marketing. AAMP is dedicated to bringing next level learning to healthcare professionals to enhance their knowledge and clinical skills. Former positions include multiple medical school posts, professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Medicine at Bastyr University and Chief of IV Services for Bastyr Oncology Research Center.

Tyna Moore, N.D., D.C.
Recognized as an authority in the application of natural pain solutions and regenerative injection therapies to treat all varieties of musculoskeletal conditions. Throughout her professional career, Dr. Tyna Moore has focused on pain and musculoskeletal conditions. It was through her own illnesses as a child that inspired her to pursue medicine. She was fortunate enough to begin working with her mentor, Dr. Rick Marinelli, ND just out of undergrad as part of his office staff. Having battled her own chronic pain issues and injuries in the past, as well as seeing Dr. Marinelli’s work in action, Dr. Moore knows first-hand how potent a treatment natural regenerative injection therapy can be. These qualifications are significant in that Dr. Moore is uniquely qualified to quickly diagnose and treat orthopedic ailments using a variety of Naturopathic, Chiropractic and non-surgical techniques. She is one of the few healthcare professionals with the requisite training, certification and background necessary to perform natural pain solution therapies in the prescribed, most efficacious manner.

David Milroy, D.C., N.D.
Dr. Milroy’s priority as a physician is to help you achieve the quality of life you desire. As a Naturopath, he practices with the philosophy that everyone has the ability to heal until proven otherwise. He believes that medicine which supports and encourages the natural processes produces the best results. It is his experience that the condition that brings you to his practice is very likely NOT the actual problem that is making you ill or causing your pain. It is often a symptom of the real problem. Dr. Milroy will work with you to find out how this problem affects your life and get to the root of the problem. Twenty years ago, Dr. Milroy found himself looking for an “answer” to his own health issues. For several years he sought care from doctors who were unsuccessful at “fixing” his problem. He knows what it is to feel like you will never get better and to think that no one really wants to find the cause of the problem.

Jessica Peatross, M.D.
Dr Jess finished medical school in 2006 after graduating from the University of Louisville and began internal medicine residency thereafter. During this time, she experienced mounting anxiety, hormonal imbalances and adrenal dysfunction due to her long hours and demanding schedule. She also observed that many of her patients never improved and often became a revolving door of admissions in the hospital. In 2012, after health issues began to worsen, Dr Jess had a personal awakening. She began to realize that allopathic medicine did not have all the answers she was so earnestly seeking. Answers not just for herself, but for many of her patients as well. There seemed to be an advancement of the best technology, but a poor advent in the cures for diseases or the discovery of the root causes of chronic illnesses and cancer. In 2013, she dove into the world of Ayurveda, holistic healing, energy work, nutrigenomics, stem cells, cannabis, Gerson therapy and homeopathy. Her philosophy now embodies true health as being all encompassing of mind, body and spirit.

Brenden Cochran, N.D.
Dr. Cochran strives for innovative and success in clients. He has a passion for education, guidance and outside-the-box thoughts to create an engaged client to reach peak performance. Dr. Cochran received his Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. He founded Interactive Health Clinic, with specialty focuses in Functional/Biological Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Integrative Oncology and Health Aging. He is an expert in his field on Regenerative Injections and Intravenous Therapies. He has served as the Medical Fellow/Director of Intravenous Therapy at the Bastyr Integrative Oncology Research Center, Bastyr Universities’ Cancer Research Center. Dr. Cochran is well known worldwide as a lecturer with international IV Therapy for Professionals, a group that specializes in educating physicians on intravenous nutrient therapy.